Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mom of the Year

I am not the Mom of the Year and today proves it. By 8 am my son had fallen off a kitchen table chair and his face met the one (and only) piece of metal that sticks out of my dress form. Blood was oozing out of a scrape that started at his temple and ended at his chin. I had to run to my neighbor's house just to get a spare pair of hands so I could clean him up and calm him down. Have I mentioned before that we call him "Stuntman"?
By 11 am he and the little girl I watch had started bickering because she tried to take a toy away from him. He bit her. Hard. So hard that all I could think was that her mom will never ever let her come to my house again. So hard that her little arm swelled up and had 8 very distinguished tooth prints on it.
By 2 pm my 4 year old daughter had talked and whined so much all I wanted was for my amazing husband to come home. And he did shortly after I wished for it. Thank goodness because otherwise I could not guarantee said daughter would make it through the day alive. (Figuratively only. She is my first born and my most trying).
By 5 pm I should have had dinner started. I gave Mr. Amazing (aka husband) sad puppy dog eyes and he sent me off to the bedroom. For one whole hour. And here's what I did: I tuned out the fussing and crying from downstairs, I looked at junk on the internet, I downloaded some new IM software for my Blackberry, and I napped.
And when I came back downstairs I was smiling. Hey, the day was nearly over and maybe I can be Mom of the Year tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hi! My name is...

Just an introduction: easy, simple, and QUICK! before the kids wake up from their naps! My name is Melissa and live in the gi-normous DFW metroplex. You know, where running errands can mean driving a total of 150 miles "around town". I have 2 beautiful children: Isabella 4 years old and Joseph 1 year old. I am no expert on anything but I know enough to keep everyone alive from day to day. I have friends who blog, a sister who blogs, and a lot of time invested in reading other people's blogs... so here I am. Giving it a try. Mostly, my husband keeps saying I need a hobby. And I agree with him- it's just finding time in between 2 kids, errands that last all day, and sleeping for an hour or two. Blogging is the chosen hobby and I hope you will enjoy embarking on this journey with me. And away we go!